The SNP Scottish Government's baby box scheme began yestreen, whaurby aye bairnie born in Scotland wull get a wee box o' useful items tae gie them a guid stert in life. The baby box stertit in Finland in the 1940s, it hus been adoptit by mony ither countries and it is proven tae cut infant mortality.
Approximately ilka box contains 80 items, amang mony ither things:
a play mat
a changing mat
a digital thermometer
a fleece jacket
several babygrows
a hooded bath towel
a reusable nappy and liners
a baby book
an organic sponge
cot sheets
a mattress
a blanket
Mony agin the SNP government hae condemened the baby box, wi' maist greeting that it's a waste o' taxpayers money, wi' some complaining they ne'er got a box when their bairns were born. Labour (North British Branch) are complaining there's naething tae support breist feeding. In fact, the SNP hae an excellent record oan promoting breist feeding, and ane which excels onything Labour did when in power. Some are alsae saying that the box wull indeed include breist feeding pads.
Some say they dinnae need the box. Maybe they dinnae, but mony wull, and wi' the huge cost o' sterting a bairn oot, I'm sure maist parents appreciate withe'er help they kin get. Ane loon snided that the SNP wull 'steal' ony idea as a "vote winner", then claim it wis their ain idea. Neither First Minister Nicola Sturgeon nor ony SNP MSP hus tried tae claim it wis an SNP idea, but full acknowledge and applaud the Finnish model. As for winning votes, weel, wi'oot the baby box, the SNP hae a'ready shown how mony votes they kin get in 2015, when they sent 56 oot o' 59 MPs tae Westminster, in 2016, when Scotland returnit an SNP administration tae Holyrood - wi' the highest proportion o' the vote o' a' parties, and the wee snide wull learn how mony votes the SNP kin gain in 2017, when they sweep the board in local authority elections. Ane daft wummin claimit that the money sud instead hae been used fur gaein parents baby massage classes.
Ony yin reading this, if ye're a unionist, and ye begrude ilka bairn a wee boxfu' o' stuff tae stert them oot, then ye sud think black burnin' shame o' yerseels.
But amang a' the complaints hae been the ane that as ilka box contains a wee poem in the Scots leid, it maun be 'unionist propaganda'.
Thon tells ye a' ye need tae ken aboot maist unionists. They may claim tae be "Proud to be Scottish, proud to be British", but the fact remains that mony dinnae and wullnae recognise their ain culture. They dinna recognise Scots as a language. They wullnae e'en ca' it a dialect o' Inglis, but they claim it is jist 'slang'.
Jist for the information o' the ignoramuses, Scots, like Inglis, owes it's origins tae Anglo-Saxon, and tae a great degree, tae the Norman king, William the Conqueror.
History lesson here. When Macbeth and killed Duncan I at the Battle o' Lumphanan in 1034, Duncan's sons fled the land for their ain safety; Donald Ban tae Ireland, and Malcolm Ceann Mor ('Big Head') tae England. In 1057-1058, Malcolm regainit the Scots throne wi' the help of the Sassenachs ('Sassain' is in fact the Gael for 'Saxon'), chief amang them being Earl Siward o' Northumbria. Sae it wis when the Normans invadit England, and supplanted Sassenach lairds wi' their ain, and seized land, whaur cud the Sasssenachs flee tae whaur they wud be safe? Why, richt across the border intae Alba, whaur they wad enjoy the protection o' King Malcolm. As thae Angles spread frae Lothian tae a' corners o' Alba, thae brocht their tongue wi' them, whit assimilated wi' the Briton, Pictish, Norse, and Scots tongues a'ready in use in the land. It wis aroond a hunnert years later that the Bishop o' Dunkeld bemoanit in a letter (noo preservit in the British Museum) "The kingdome of Alba is becoming known as Scot-lande" (it'll ne'er catch oan).
Sae we see, that Scots didnae grow oot o' the Inglis tongue, but evolvit wi' it's ain influences. Frae the Norman invasion, Inglis wis influenced wi' Norman French. It wisnae until the Treaty o' Paris o' 1295, that Scots began tae hae Middle French influences, as weel as the ithers mentioned abune whit hud nae influence at a' oan the Inglis leid.
The Scots leid is a language in it's ain richt. And jist as oor flag, the Saltire, belangs tae ilka Scot, sae does oor ain tongue, be they nationalist, unionist, or indifferent tae hale matter. If ye claim tae be a proud Scot but alsae proud tae be British, then pit yir money whaur yir mooth is, and support yir ain culture, instead o' talkin' a wheen o' blethers aboot propaganda, and Scots being "slang".
And maist o' a', the Scots leid belangs tae ilka bairn, and the generations o' them yet tae come. Sae unionists, if ye claim tae be Scots as weel as British, wad ye really want tae see oor ain tongue eventually die oot, through bairns being denied their birthricht, as weel as a wee box o' things tae halp? And a' because YE dinnae agree wi' Scots independence and wull resort tae ONY tactic tae attack Scots Nats?
If sae, daur ye still hae the affront tae ca' yerseel a proud Scot?
Approximately ilka box contains 80 items, amang mony ither things:
a play mat
a changing mat
a digital thermometer
a fleece jacket
several babygrows
a hooded bath towel
a reusable nappy and liners
a baby book
an organic sponge
cot sheets
a mattress
a blanket
Mony agin the SNP government hae condemened the baby box, wi' maist greeting that it's a waste o' taxpayers money, wi' some complaining they ne'er got a box when their bairns were born. Labour (North British Branch) are complaining there's naething tae support breist feeding. In fact, the SNP hae an excellent record oan promoting breist feeding, and ane which excels onything Labour did when in power. Some are alsae saying that the box wull indeed include breist feeding pads.
Some say they dinnae need the box. Maybe they dinnae, but mony wull, and wi' the huge cost o' sterting a bairn oot, I'm sure maist parents appreciate withe'er help they kin get. Ane loon snided that the SNP wull 'steal' ony idea as a "vote winner", then claim it wis their ain idea. Neither First Minister Nicola Sturgeon nor ony SNP MSP hus tried tae claim it wis an SNP idea, but full acknowledge and applaud the Finnish model. As for winning votes, weel, wi'oot the baby box, the SNP hae a'ready shown how mony votes they kin get in 2015, when they sent 56 oot o' 59 MPs tae Westminster, in 2016, when Scotland returnit an SNP administration tae Holyrood - wi' the highest proportion o' the vote o' a' parties, and the wee snide wull learn how mony votes the SNP kin gain in 2017, when they sweep the board in local authority elections. Ane daft wummin claimit that the money sud instead hae been used fur gaein parents baby massage classes.
Ony yin reading this, if ye're a unionist, and ye begrude ilka bairn a wee boxfu' o' stuff tae stert them oot, then ye sud think black burnin' shame o' yerseels.
But amang a' the complaints hae been the ane that as ilka box contains a wee poem in the Scots leid, it maun be 'unionist propaganda'.
Thon tells ye a' ye need tae ken aboot maist unionists. They may claim tae be "Proud to be Scottish, proud to be British", but the fact remains that mony dinnae and wullnae recognise their ain culture. They dinna recognise Scots as a language. They wullnae e'en ca' it a dialect o' Inglis, but they claim it is jist 'slang'.
Jist for the information o' the ignoramuses, Scots, like Inglis, owes it's origins tae Anglo-Saxon, and tae a great degree, tae the Norman king, William the Conqueror.
History lesson here. When Macbeth and killed Duncan I at the Battle o' Lumphanan in 1034, Duncan's sons fled the land for their ain safety; Donald Ban tae Ireland, and Malcolm Ceann Mor ('Big Head') tae England. In 1057-1058, Malcolm regainit the Scots throne wi' the help of the Sassenachs ('Sassain' is in fact the Gael for 'Saxon'), chief amang them being Earl Siward o' Northumbria. Sae it wis when the Normans invadit England, and supplanted Sassenach lairds wi' their ain, and seized land, whaur cud the Sasssenachs flee tae whaur they wud be safe? Why, richt across the border intae Alba, whaur they wad enjoy the protection o' King Malcolm. As thae Angles spread frae Lothian tae a' corners o' Alba, thae brocht their tongue wi' them, whit assimilated wi' the Briton, Pictish, Norse, and Scots tongues a'ready in use in the land. It wis aroond a hunnert years later that the Bishop o' Dunkeld bemoanit in a letter (noo preservit in the British Museum) "The kingdome of Alba is becoming known as Scot-lande" (it'll ne'er catch oan).
Sae we see, that Scots didnae grow oot o' the Inglis tongue, but evolvit wi' it's ain influences. Frae the Norman invasion, Inglis wis influenced wi' Norman French. It wisnae until the Treaty o' Paris o' 1295, that Scots began tae hae Middle French influences, as weel as the ithers mentioned abune whit hud nae influence at a' oan the Inglis leid.
The Scots leid is a language in it's ain richt. And jist as oor flag, the Saltire, belangs tae ilka Scot, sae does oor ain tongue, be they nationalist, unionist, or indifferent tae hale matter. If ye claim tae be a proud Scot but alsae proud tae be British, then pit yir money whaur yir mooth is, and support yir ain culture, instead o' talkin' a wheen o' blethers aboot propaganda, and Scots being "slang".
And maist o' a', the Scots leid belangs tae ilka bairn, and the generations o' them yet tae come. Sae unionists, if ye claim tae be Scots as weel as British, wad ye really want tae see oor ain tongue eventually die oot, through bairns being denied their birthricht, as weel as a wee box o' things tae halp? And a' because YE dinnae agree wi' Scots independence and wull resort tae ONY tactic tae attack Scots Nats?
If sae, daur ye still hae the affront tae ca' yerseel a proud Scot?
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