On 26 February 2016,
a group who groomed 15 teenage girls, raped, sexually assaulted and
prostituted them out under threats of death, were jailed. Arshid
Hussain, 40, was jailed for 35 years and his brothers Basharat, 39,
and Bannaras, 36, were jailed for 25 and 19 years respectively.
Uncle of the brothers, Qurban Ali, 53, who was found guilty of
conspiracy to rape and jailed for 10 years.
Associate Karen
MacGregor, 59, was jailed for 13 years and Shelley Davies, 40, given
an 18 month suspended term for false imprisonment and conspiracy to
procure a woman under 21 to become a common prostitute. MacGregor was
also convicted of two counts of conspiracy to rape.
It was an appalling
case in which the Hussain brothers, who boasted that they “ruled
Rotherham”, the English city where they lived and operated their
underage prostitute ring for 16 years with girls as young as 11, had
a known reputation for violence and pimping, yet police and social
services did nothing, allegedly for fear of being branded
Islamophobes and racists. It is has been claimed as many as 1400
girls were targeted by the gang in Rotherham and across the county of South Yorkshire.
One day earlier, in
the English city of Oxford, Andrew Picard, an 18-year-old student of Eton College, England's top fee-paying school, was
convicted of sharing more than indecent images of children on social
media. These images included children as young as 2-years-old being
raped and even being forced to perform sexual acts with dogs.
Picard's sentence? A 10 month prison sentence, suspended for 18
months with a requirement to undergo mental health treatment, after
his defence counsel claimed that Picard had “issues” with his
The judge, Peter
Ross, handing down sentence to Picard stated “This defendant Andrew
Picard was a privileged young man. His family are clearly wealthy
enough to send him to school in Eton. Quite how you found your way
into this unpleasant world Mr Picard, the world of chatrooms and
exchanging this material, is not clear to me.”
Without a doubt, the
Rotherham case throws up many questions, not least of why and how the
Hussain brothers were allowed to get away with their appalling crimes
for so very long. Questions have to be asked and people should be
brought to book for failure to act (don't hold your breath though).
What is really
insidious however is the hypocrisy which has surrounded the Rotherham
case, and how the extreme-right, and even the not-so-extreme-right
are attempting to use the case to back up their own anti-Islamic
bigotry and racism. The Hussain brothers come from a Pakistani
background, and their have been calls to deport them to Pakistan.
Meanwhile, the anti-Islamic brigade have jumped on the bandwagon,
claiming that the root of the Rotherham scandal lies deep within
Islamic culture and it's treatment of women as inferior beings.
Okay, granted I do
believe there is truth in this. Generally the treatment of women in
Islam is utterly appalling. They are indeed seen as inferior to men,
treated as little better than slaves in many Islamic cultures, and
female genital mutilation (FGM), removal of the clitoris and / or
sewing up the vagina, is so widespread in many Islamic societies that
there are now some Muslims – including women – in the UK trying
to argue for FGM to be carried out surgically, in much the same way
that circumcision is carried out on Jewish and Islamic boys (NB
Muslims, this is never happening – decent people want all genital
mutilation, including circumcision, gone forever). All of this is
all the more insidious as men and women are actually considered equal in
Islam. Just as many Christians need to actually read a Bible, a great many Muslims should try actually picking up the Qur'an now and again.
But hold on, notice
something else about the Rotherham gang? They were aided and abetted
by two white women, British nationals, who are at the least
culturally Christian. And then of course we have the appalling case
of Andrew Picard, a wealthy, white British national, attending a
school which has a strict Christian ethos. Where then would those
decrying the Hussain brothers like these three people deported to?
And does this mean there is a problem where white “Christian”
culture treats women (and children) in the UK? And let me answer
that latter question for you with a resounding YES, it most certainly
I was listening to a
radio broadcast about the Rotherham case, in which the announcer
suggested that this treatment of women was inherent in Muslim
society, and more or less claimed that all such gangs are Muslim.
Whilst the incidence is indeed alarmingly high and needs to be
addressed (and not by the government's knee-jerk reaction of removing
passports from dual-nationality criminals under anti-terror
legislation), to suggest that it is inherent to ALL Islam, and that
is wholly Islamic is not only a gross generalisation, it is not only
poppycock, it is bigotry.
in Europe is a huge problem, mostly (but not always) carried out by
those from eastern European countries, most of whom are white, many
of whom are Roman Catholic or Orthodox Christian, and devoutly so.
Included in this trafficking there are gangs who rape, sexually
abuse, and prostitute women and children. The Roma community from
Romania and surrounding countries are particularly vulnerable to the
traffickers. I said many years ago that the Roma suffered for
centuries in imperial days, they suffered under the Nazis, they
suffered under the communists, they suffered in the post-communist
era, and that if they suffer in the EU, each and every one of us EU
citizens carries the responsibility for that. Well, they are
suffering in the EU, and the UK along with many other EU countries,
is turning a blind eye to the enormity of the evils, including women
and children being abused and prostituted,and we all carry that burden.
But then of course,
we need not look to Islamic countries, or even to eastern Europe, for
one of the biggest paedophile rings in the UK. One which included
men who were not merely culturally Christian but many of whom
professed to be actively Christian, men, who were all white, all UK
nationals, all from privileged and wealthy backgrounds, and a ring
which we now know for a fact was indeed covered up. I am speaking of
course about the paedophile ring which we now know operated among
elected members and peers of the UK government from at least the late
1960s, which successive Prime Ministers were aware of, and not only
did nothing to address but must have actively covered up to protect
those involved.
I condemn Edward
Heath (possibly implicated himself) for his part in that. I
condemn Harold Wilson, and his successor, Jim Callaghan, for their
part, as I do Margaret Thatcher. And yes, I will also similarly
condemn John Major, Tony Blair, and even the present Prime Minister,
David Cameron. I do not forget that it was as recently as 2013 that
David Cameron described those claiming abuse by MPs in the 1970s as
So, where would the
anti-Islamic bigots like all those involved in the Westminster
paedophile ring who are still alive like them deported to? Which
part of their Christian culture would they say makes this an inherent
And when one looks
at the Westminster paedophile ring, Judge Peter Ross should not be in
the least surprised at Andrew Picard, from an equally wealthy and
privileged background, becoming involved in the sharing of obscene
images of children. More than that, the inference of his statement
is that those of such backgrounds do not get involved in paedophilia.
That inference is not just wrong, it is not just ignorant, it is not
just arrogant and elitist, it is in fact deeply prejudiced, as to say
such is to suggest that paedophiles come only from those less
Paedophilia does not
recognise any boundaries; not those of social class, affluence,
upbringing, religion (or lack thereof), race, ethnicity, culture,
gender, sexuality, bodily or
mental ability, or anything else anyone wishes to think up. It cuts
across ALL society, with paedophiles coming from all sorts of
And while I am about
it, I am equally appalled at Judge Ross in handing down such a paltry
sentence, for such a thoroughly disgusting and serious crime, because
he was fooled into believing that Picard was “confused” about his
sexuality. I don't know where the defence counsel found the
psychiatrists and doctors from who made these claims, but I would
sincerely suggest they need to go back to school, or like I have
done, merely read some research, first on how sexuality forms, then
on the sexual abuse of children.
There is a small
number of such deluded people who are trying to claim that
paedophilia is a sexual orientation, no different from being
heterosexual, homosexual, bi, pansexual or asexual. Yet only a scan
through even the easiest-reading cases of psychologists dealing with
sexual abuse, be it of children or adults, will tell you that it is a
learned sexual behaviour. Our sexuality, whatever that may be, is
decided in the womb. Science has not yet found the "gay gene", but
points strongly towards it. The sexual abuser however is not born
with that abuse imbued in their psyche, rather they learn it as they
This is a very
important distinction. For when people try to claim that paedophilia
is a sexual orientation, it merely enables those who ignorantly (or
even not so ignorantly) try to claim that LBGT+ people are all
perverts and child abusers. It is actually a fact that the
overwhelming majority of child abusers are cisgender heterosexual
men, with cishet women coming second, although the incidence is far
lower. LGBT+ people are in fact WAY down at the bottom of the list.
Even most male paedophiles who prey upon little boys are otherwise
heterosexual. But of course, the ignorant, bigoted public see an
LGBT+ person and immediately make generalisations – just as they do
with Asian Muslims. In fact, and bear this sobering thought in mind,
more women and children (and men in fact) are abused in the UK –
sexually, physically, verbally, and psychologically – by white,
cisgender, heterosexual, male, UK nationals than any other
demographic within UK society; many, many more.
Of course, the
anti-Islamic mindset does not want to hear or face up to these facts,
but facts they are. A similar case was that of the sexual abuse,
rape and robbery of hundreds of women in Cologne and other cities in
Germany, which was immediately put down to Islamic asylum seekers
from Syria. To date, not one Syrian refugee, not one Muslim,
anywhere in Germany, has been arrested for one of these attacks, and
after the event, there were in fact many German women who said that
sexual abuse of women in Germany, culturally very Christian (so much
so they still do not have same-sex marriage), was endemic and in the
main carried out by white, male, German nationals. Inconvenient
truths they may be to the bigots, but they remain truths nonetheless.
I am not for one
moment being an apologist for Islam, or for the Islamic mindset which
does indeed oppress women – and children. Muslims can make all the
apologies they want for Mohammed (piss be upon him), but any man who
“marries” a 6-year-old and consummates that marriage when the
girl is 9-year-old is, by anyone's definition, a paedophile. And I
likewise condemn those individual Muslims who take child brides, and
the Islamic countries which permit that perversion to happen. Just
as I fully condemn those Islamic countries where women who are
disobedient to their husbands, who are outspoken, who dare to seek an
education and / or a career, or as much as merely show the tiniest
bit of flesh, or even be seen outside alone, can be subjected to
jail, lashes, having a limb cut off, stoning to death, hanging, or
beheading. Some people claim that such countries exhibit a medieval
mindset in their treatment of women. They do not – even in
medieval Europe, women were never subjected to such treatment, but
actually enjoyed many rights. In fact, in Scotland and England,
noblewomen who were widowed were expected to, and did, raise and lead
armies when needed. So, the two are actually incomparable and that
treatment of women is indeed unique to the fundamentalist Islamic
mindset; and note that I say “fundamentalist” there, for that is
another important distinction to make. And do I believe that the
Asians in the Rotherham gang should be deported after their
sentences? I would happily pack their cases myself.
But neither does
that absolve the treatment of women and children in white, western,
culturally Christian society. It is sobering to reflect that it is
only since as recently as 1976 in the UK that the law has deemed it is indeed
possible for a husband to rape his wife. Before then it was deemed
that a husband was merely taking his conjugal rights, and alarmingly,
there are indeed men, and sadder still, women who to this day hold
that mindset, believing that their god gave men and women different
roles. So yes, I equally condemn such people. But then I also
condemn those, right here in Scotland, from the Free Church of
Scotland (the Wee Frees) and the Free Presbyterian Church (the Wee
Wee Frees) who have at times called for the stoning of adulterers to
be legalised “because it is biblical”. Again, those of that
mindset are religious fundamentalists, and equally as dangerous as
Islamic fundamentalists. They are in effect a Scottish Presbyterian
As far as
paedophilia is concerned, I condemn all white, culturally Christian,
UK society which kept cases of child abuse covered up for so very
long, which continues to cover up, make excuses for, underplays and
downright dismisses cases of child sexual abuse to this day, and have
not only destroyed thousands, millions, of lives, but are continuing
to do so. Look at the case of BBC disc jockey, TV presenter, health
promoter and charity worker, Jimmy Saville, who was first given an
OBE and later a knighthood for his charity work. With people still
coming forward, Saville used his BBC position and celebrity status to
abuse countless children and teens, including those physically and
mentally disabled. The number of victims ranges from 450 to 1000,
possibly making him the most prolific paedophile of all time. There
are many today from inside the television industry who claim that
Saville's abuse of kids and young people was an open secret, and
nobody did anything about it, because of his celebrity status. A BBC
enquiry claims that they failed to act on 73 cases involving Jimmy
Saville. 73 out of a possible 1000, over 30 years? And the band
played “Believe it if you Like”. Ah, but Sir Jimmy was a good
Roman Catholic.
Which brings me onto
the Roman Catholic Church, and neither do I nor shall I shy away from
a church which not only has innumerable members of clergy who have
abused children, but which has actively protected paedophiles, and
even has the gall, right up to and including the present Pope, to
call upon the survivors of clerical sexual abuse to 'forgive' their
abusers. No way, Frankie. That is not only enabling abusers, it is
not only absolving them of their wrongdoings, it puts the ball in the
abuser's court and effectively blames the victim – a tactic very
common among paedophiles and other abusers. It is they who need to
not merely ask but beg forgiveness from their victims.
Does that mean I am
being bigoted and suggesting that paedophilia is endemic in the RC
Church? Not for one moment. I am well aware that the majority of RC
clergy the world over are good, well-meaning people, working hard for
their communities. But if I am going to condemn one faith, the
largest Christian church in the world need not believe it is ever
going to get a free ride from me. If you give criticism, be prepared
to take it as well.
Paedophilia at it's
root, believe it or not, is not even sexually-driven. Like all and
any abuse, the sexual abuse of children is carried out by inadequate
individuals, usually but not always cishet men, who seek power over
others and thereby single out those least able to defend themselves.
The driving force behind paedophilia is the need to control, which
they do by humiliating their victims. The paedophile, like any
other abuser, is in fact a bully, and in the nature of the bully, a
coward at heart. When we come to understand that, we see that there
is no other driving force, from any other influences within the
paedophile's life or background. As I said before, paedophilia
recognises no boundaries and it is a learned sexual behaviour.
Comparing the cases of the Rotherham gang and Andrew Picard (and Jimmy Saville, Cyril Smith, Greville Janner, Rolf Harris, etc, etc) makes
that plainly obvious.
Those who shout
loudest about the Rotherham case, and other such cases of Asians who
may be (but are not always) Muslims abusing children claim to be
speaking out for the victims. They are not. Far from it, they use
these cases to promote their own bigoted agenda against Muslims in
particular, and Asians in general. That they do so, they not only
use the survivors of abuse, they not only dishonour them, they are in
fact by using these victims for their own means, actually abusing
them even further.
Those who truly care about the survivors of Rotheram, or any other child abuse, would never sink to any such level.
Many thanks to NeonZero for making the attached image "Toddler in Fright" available free to use on Wikimedia Commons.